Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Awesome Husband

For the past month or so I've been the worst housekeeper ever. The nausea has left me wanting to do absolutely nothing, so I considered it an accomplishment to plan meals, go to the grocery store, and do the laundry--all while keeping Owen alive. Everything else was left to the dust mites. My sweet husband has not complained once. You may think to yourself, of course he shouldn't complain. But this is a man who works ridiculous hours. Who also has to work on research projects and personal statements and attend crazy conferences where he has to participate in a super-nerdy form of Jeopardy. The pinnacle of my appreciation for him came yesterday though. I realized that at some point he had scrubbed both of the toilets in the house. I made a point to tell him how much I appreciated that, and he told me that he was worried I would become nauseous and have the situation made worse by bad smells from the toilet. Maybe some of you are reading that and thinking, "gross," but my heart was warmed.


Lady Cayt said...

very sweet :) hope you're feeling better

Holly said...

real men know that cleaning is the way to a girl's heart...

Amanda said...

that's so sweet! sometimes the smallest things mean the most.

Christianne Page said...

Very sweet... love to hear my friends' husbands treating them well.

Take some Unisom, please.

justin said...

You're awesome to blog about your awesome husband.