Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Unexpected Giddiness

I have no desire to be controversial or polorizing right now, but sitting here with my laptop in front of my t.v., there's no way I can refrain from blogging. This is amazing. We are part of an unbelievable moment in U.S. history. I don't care what party you support, how can you not feel proud to be part of a country that has made huge advancements in overcoming racism? Maybe I'm just getting older, but this election has been so exciting to me. I actually felt a little giddy as I voted today. Not because I had any expectations about how the vote would turn out. I think my enthusiasm stems from the fact that so many people are invested in this election. Even the middle school girls that I lead have been excited about the candidates and wanting to talk about politics. Today has been a very cool experience.


Holly said...

I felt the same way! As we were walking into the school, I thought, "What a privilege." It's quite humbling when you think about it to be a part of history in the making.

em and pete said...

I also felt really excited...we waited in line for almost 4 hours (I almost called you to come get Ali) to vote, and it was exciting to see so many people excited about voting...it was extra special to me to be able to witness the community in which we live so excited to be participating in electing a president who they so identify with! It was a party in line. :)