Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Fat Guy in the Red Suit

Okay, so I know this is a bit controversial for my first actual contribution to the blog, but I've just got to comment on the old guy in the photo to the left who keeps trying to force his way into my life. Will and I have come to the decision to not introduce our two year old little boy to Santa. Will is turned off by the whole lying to your kid business, and I'm just ready for a refocusing of Christmas in my life. What has been the most surprising result of this decision is the way this seems to affect others. Everyone from the dental assistant to my mom seems uncomfortable with our choice. They either look at me like I'm crazy or try to defend their choice to celebrate the Famous Home Invader. Nevermind the fact that I reserve no judgment for Santa supporters. What's really funny is I NEVER initiate this conversation. Apparently, everyone wants to talk about Santa when you have a two year old. Strangers try to talk to our son about him in the grocery store, the hairdresser's, anywhere and everywhere. What the heck? Since when did we all decide to worship an old guy in a red suit and the stuff he delivers?


Holly said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your first blog. I think it's great that your first one is so controversial! I don't think you're crazy. I think it will be a challenge as you're already experiencing, but I think you should be respected for honoring Jesus more than Santa.

Love you!

justin said...

I think its great. Now you can be our case study for when we are making that decision!

Nathan said...

What are you saying, you don't believe in Santa?... I'm confused. Will, hold me.

Just kidding. Keep up the good blogging. :-)