Friday, July 17, 2009

Be Still

I got a call yesterday from the Cardiologist office. They wanted me to bring Charlotte in for an echo. They had been discussing her case at their weekly conference and thought it best to make sure that her aorta looked okay. When it was ballooned, there was a spot in her aorta that pooched out a little bit. We had been warned that this might happen, and that it could be insignificant. But it's still something they like to keep a close eye on. So we went in today for the echo. Charlotte was NOT excited about the ultrasound. I ended up breastfeeding her WHILE they scanned her, because that was the only way to keep her calm enough. After they spent lots of time looking at the images, they came in to tell me this...we want a CT. Apparently the echo was making it appear that her little "pooch" was much worse, and the only way to tell for sure would be a cath or a CT with contrast. They explained that normally CTs for infants are done under sedation, but that we would give it a try right now. If she would be still enough, they would be able to get the pictures they needed, otherwise we would have to be admitted so they could do it first thing in the morning under sedation. I had just breastfed my baby so that she would be calm for an ultrasound, and now they think this same five month old is going to "be still" in a giant CT machine? I mentally prepared myself for spending another night in the hospital. She got an i.v. We took her to Radiology. A tech, two doctors and a PA all hovered over her, attempting to keep her calm and still. Owen and I went to a waiting room where I continued my repeated prayer, "Please keep her still, God." And He did. They got the images and realized that the echo was distorting the look of her aorta. Praise God.


em and pete said...

Praise God, indeed! And I am also amazed at how God is keeping you still in His presence through all of these trials! What a testimony. I'm continuing to pray for you daily.

Lady Cayt said...

Oh Christy ... thank God for answering your prayers and keeping your heart strong. Please let us know if we can help with Owen next time; feel free to drop him off or let us come get him so you don't have to keep up with him too. God Bless. You and Charlotte are in our prayers.

Emsamum said...

amen and amen! Whenever you leave Charlotte with me on Sundays, I find a moment to pray over her and I am so grateful for the chance to look after such a miracle. All my baby's in there are miracles but she has a special little corner of my heart.

MDandRN said...

My dearest Christy - wow, God is so good! And thank the Lord CT's are short. Glad it looked better than the u/s; I can testify to the same attempt multiple times of keeping infant & toddler patients still during an ECHO (except I don't have the capabilities to breastfeed them as an alternative to keeping them still). Good job, momma. I just read your updates and am amazed by your faith & know that Cardiology PA - Tammy DiChiara is the best (tell her I said "hi"). Miss you & praying for Charlotte, Will, Owen & you. Come visit in Charlottesville, anytime!!!