Saturday, February 2, 2008

Counting Blueberries

I love waffles with blueberries. Which is why I had them for breakfast the other day. However, as I was happily consuming said waffles, I realized that I was counting my blueberries. I was also estimating the number of bites left in my waffle. This led to blueberries being evenly divided and consumed. For example, 5 bites left + 10 blueberries = 2 blueberries per bite. This wasn't something I sat and mulled over. I just did it. I do similar things with lots of my food. For instance, if I am eating a stew with beef, potatoes and carrots, I prefer to have each bite contain one piece of each...even if that means my bite is too big and I look like a squirrel storing food in my cheeks for a minute. Why is this? I think I have a little OCD. Actually, I think we all have a little OCD. Will adamantly disagrees. He swears that he does nothing like that. So here's the question...what about all of you? Am I the only one counting my blueberries? Or do you do something equally OCD but in a different capacity? I want to know. I need to feel that I have company in my weirdness.


Lady Cayt said...

Hiiii! I ran across your blog from Christiannes, I didn't know you'd started one up, it's a lot of fun! (I caught up today).

Well, it's nice to know that there other people who are as dorky about numbers and evenness and counting as I am. I don't think I count every bite, but I DO go for the general "one piece of everything in each bite".

And about the "comment" blog, I think we love to see comments b/c we love to know we're not alone and that we're connecting with people.

Anyway, it was great to see pics of you and the family. I hope we get the live version when we get there in May! YAY!! We miss you!

Will said...
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Will said...

Don't worry Christy. You're not OCD. That implies that your compulsions (the counting) makes you feel bad or guilty (ego-dystonic). Instead, you have OCPD: Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. The counting in some crazy way actually makes you feel better (ego-syntonic). Inside you think, "Boo-yah! I've conquerred the crazy algebra problem that is this pancake. That's right. You know where to shove it Pillsbury!" Yeah, your mind gets a little carried away and taunts the pancake manufacturer sometimes. I know it does. Everything is a competition with you, and I know you are counting so...Will's comments on Christy's posts: 2 Christy's comments on Will's posts 0 I own you.

Holly said...

I just thought of one...

I like for the trash bag to be tucked neatly between the plastic liner and outside of the can. Ours is one of those stainless steel ones like yours. So I don't like for the bag to be all crazy sticking out everywhere.

And, I break all sandwiches, hot dogs, burgers, and pretty much anything in a bun into pieces to eat them. This is instead of biting into it. I really don't like to bite into things. I think you already know this about me. Remember nutty buddies? I don't eat those anymore, but if I did, I would eat it layer by layer.

Christianne Page said...

I just thought of one! If the radio is on in the car, I wait until the end of a measure before turning off the car. Oh, and I can't stand to have the wiper blades in the up position when I turn off the car. Dave does that all the time and it drives me nuts.